Three-Point Thesis Statement and the Five-Paragraph Essay
Compiled by Donna Gardner Liljegren, Kathy Matthes and Michele Cohen

When first learning how to write essays, it is helpful to have a basic structure or formula to follow. The five-paragraph essay is a simple and effective formula to use. Its basic parts are:

  • Introductory paragraph with one-sentence thesis statement at the end
  • Three body paragraphs with topic sentences and details
  • Concluding paragraph

Introductory Paragraph: In the first paragraph, the author should clearly state a summary of what will be proven, explained, or clarified or shown in the body of the paper. The thesis statement, or main idea of the paper, should be one sentence that states your limited subject, your opinion on the subject and three discussion points (reasons why you hold this opinion about the subject). This sentence should be placed at the end of the first paragraph.

Body Paragraph: The second paragraph starts with a topic sentence that states the concept that will be addressed in the paragraph to prove or support the thesis statement. The goal is to prove or support the thesis found in the introduction through the use of specific, connected presented in the body of the paragraph.

Body Paragraph: The third paragraph should address another concept that will be addressed to prove or support the thesis. This paragraph should begin with a topic sentence which states the concept. Again, the goal is to prove or support the thesis statement found in the introduction through the use of specific, connected, solid details presented in the body of the paragraph.

Body Paragraph: This paragraph should address another concept that will be elaborated upon to prove the original thesis statement found in the introduction. The paragraph should begin with a topic sentence which states the concept that will be covered to prove or support the thesis statement. Specific details relating to proving or supporting the thesis concept should make up the body of the paragraph.

Concluding Paragraph: The concluding paragraph summarizes and reemphasizes all that has been proven or supported in the body of the paper. Key points that proved or supported the thesis sentence of the paper should be emphasized. The thesis statement from the introductory paragraph should be restated in this paragraph.

The five-paragraph essay uses a three-point thesis statement and breaks down into this format:

Paragraph 1:  Introduction & Three Point Thesis Statement
Paragraph 2:  Discussion Point 1
Paragraph 3:  Discussion Point 2
Paragraph 4:  Discussion Point 3
Paragraph 5:  Conclusion

Three-point Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the main idea or argument of your essay. It is the structure upon which your entire essay is built.It tells your reader what your essay will be about in specific terms. Your entire essay will then prove that your thesis statement is true.

The thesis statement is one sentence. It states your topic, your opinion about that topic and three discussion points or reasons for your opinion. These reasons prove your opinion is true. It must contain your opinion about the topic; otherwise, it is simply a sentence or statement of a fact.

Three-point Thesis Statement Formula = Limited Subject (Topic) + Opinion + Three Discussion Points

Example: Playing a team sport teaches a person self-discipline, cooperation, and leadership.

Topic = Playing a team sport

Opinion = teaches a person self-discipline, cooperation, and leadership

Three Discussion Points = self discipline, cooperation, and leadership

The writer of this thesis statement believes that playing a team sport will teach self-discipline, cooperation, and leadership. This is the writer’s opinion about team sports; other people might believe that team sports are competitive and destructive. The writer must now prove why team sports teach these three things by providing supporting details: facts, examples, or personal experiences.

This thesis statement easily converts into the five-paragraph format:

Paragraph 1 = Introduction & thesis statement:

   Three-Point Thesis Statement: Playing a team sport teaches a person self-discipline, cooperation, and leadership

Paragraph 2 = Discussion Point 1

   Topic Sentence: One of the advantages of playing a team sport is that it teaches a person self-discipline.

Paragraph 3 = Discussion Point 2

   Topic Sentence: In addition to teaching self-discipline, another advantage of playing a team sport is that it teaches cooperation.

Paragraph 4 = Discussion Point 3

   Topic Sentence: The final advantage of playing a team sport is that it teaches a person leadership.

Paragraph 5 = Conclusion

   Restates the thesis statement and summarizes how it was proven to be true.

Converting Topics into a Three-Point Thesis Statement

Let’s use the first topic as an example: Illustrate a character trait that you find detestable in people.

First, use any of the prewriting strategies to generate ideas about your topic. Questions you might want to answer are:

  • What is a character trait?
  • What does detestable mean?
  • What are some character traits that I detest in other people?
  • Why do I detest these traits?
  • How do these traits affect other people negatively?

Second, break down the topic into these parts:

  • Choose one specific example of that topic to discuss.
  • Identify the opinion in the topic.
  • Add your own three discussion points – reasons that prove the opinion is true.
  • Repeat key words from the topic in your thesis statement and use the three-point thesis statement formula.

For example:  Illustrate a character trait that you find detestable in people.

  • Let’s choose a specific example (a character trait you detest): lying.
  • What is the opinion stated in this topic?  Lying is a detestable character trait.
  • What three reasons can you add for your discussion points?

    • lying betrays trust
    • lying hurts others
    • lying corrupts society

  • Use key words from the assignment topic and insert your information into the three-point thesis statement formula:

Limited subject + opinion + three discussion points

Topic = Lying
Opinion = is a detestable character trait
Discussion points = it betrays trust, hurts others, and corrupts society

Thesis statement: Lying is a detestable character trait because it betrays trust, hurts others, and corrupts society.

Converting the Three-Point Thesis Statement
into a Topic Sentence Outline

Convert discussion points into topic sentences for your three body paragraphs:

  1. The first reason why lying is so detestable is that it betrays trust.
  2. The second reason lying is so detestable is that it hurts others.
  3. The third reason lying is so detestable is that it corrupts society.

Use the following structure to create a topic sentence outline for the organization of your five paragraph essay using your three-point thesis statement:

  1. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
    1. Introductory Information
    2. Thesis Statement

  2. Topic Sentence (Paragraph 2)
    1. Supporting Detail
    2. Supporting Detail
    3. Supporting Detail

  3. Topic Sentence (Paragraph 3)
    1. Supporting Detail
    2. Supporting Detail
    3. Supporting Detail

  4. Topic Sentence (Paragraph 4)
    1. Supporting Detail
    2. Supporting Detail
    3. Supporting Detail

  5. Concluding Topic Sentence (Paragraph 5)
    1. Concluding Detail
    2. Concluding Detail
    3. Concluding Detail

More Examples of Thesis Statement Formula

Example: Outstanding writing is clear, concise, and well-organized.

  • Topic = Outstanding writing
  • Opinion = is clear, concise, and well-organized.
  • Three Discussion Points = clear, concise, and well organized.

Example: Love is an illness characterized by sweaty hands, fever, and nausea.

  • Topic = Love
  • Opinion = Love is an illness
  • Three Discussion Points = sweaty hands, fever, and nausea

Example: Road rage is dangerous because it puts the driver, the victim and the surrounding cars at risk.

  • Topic = Road rage
  • Opinion = is dangerous
  • Three Discussion Points = because it puts the driver, the victim and the surrounding cars at risk.

Example: College writing is similar to writing in the business world in three important ways: Both types of writing must be logical, well-developed and clear.

  • Topic = College writing
  • Opinion = is similar to writing in the business world in three ways
  • Three Discussion Points = Both types of writing must be logical, well-developed and clear.
© 2008 by Donna Gardner Liljegren, Kathy Matthes and Michele Cohen. All Rights Reserved.
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